This is from Spring of '10. I took three semesters of Life Drawing, and this is my favorite piece. My professor liked to recycle old drawings left behind by painting over them with acrylic. He usually didn't do anything fancy, just black or sanguine paint. I think this one had been prepared by a previous student. The funny thing is that this drawing only took me 20 to 30 minutes. It was one of those rare times when your brain shuts off and everything flows out organically. I also really like how rough it is: you can see the under drawing in vine charcoal and then just a suggestion of form in white conte. The composition isn't totally stagnant as it usually is in my life drawings. It's very hard for me to let things just be rough and open and show some amount of expression in the mark making, and that's why this piece is a rarity and one I love looking at.
Vine charcoal, conte, and acrylic on cold press.
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