Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Bird Skull

This is the first piece of art I made since graduating from art school last May and was completed March 7th. I wanted to start with something fairly easy and I also wanted to use a technique my friend had told me about. The technique is to make an image using shadow blocking, except you're blocking in the highlighted part. Then you cover that highlighted area with masking fluid and then do wet into wet over the whole thing. I was a little miffed with myself for not having thought of this on my own since I use masking fluid a lot and I love shadow blocking. I chose a bird skull as my image since I've always liked bird skulls. I think they're really pretty for some reason.

The drawing was by far the hardest part since the reference picture I was using didn't have very dramatic lighting. There was a lot of squinting and erasing going on. The wet into wet isn't the greatest since I'm so rusty and the paper I was using wasn't as high quality as I usually use. If I were to try it again, I'd put the masking fluid on thicker and give myself a bigger area to work with and just let the paint pool and splatter where it wants to instead of cropping in so tight with painters tape.

Watercolor on cold press.

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